By Orsi Kovacs
June 17, 2020
My name is Orsi. I am originally from Hungary and I have been living for almost a decade now in Brighton. My own experience of pain and suffering was the catalyst for wanting to help you. In June 2012 I had a serious accident in Brighton. I was walking to work, when a lorry driver reversed next to me. He hit an iron lamp post which broke into half and hit my head. The result: one broken backbone, two broken bones in my left foot and 10 stitches in my head. I spent 6 days in the hospital and several months in bed. I had to visit a physiotherapist for more than 6 months, but my condition improved very slightly - slower, than everybody would have thought. So, I looked up an orthopaedist doctor again in Hungary who told me that my backbone didn't just brake, it collapsed, as well. I was advised by him that after lying in bed for a year I had to strengthen my muscles to reduce pain and to avoid a series of operations, so I looked for a personal trainer, when I met this new way of fitness opportunity in Hungary. My trainer explained to me that this equipment is very gentle to the joints, it has a pain relief effect, the different body parts can be controlled separately, and a 20 minutes session equals one and a half hours of a gym training. I thought I should give it a try, maybe it works, and I can live again a full life without pain. And it really worked! After the first 3-4 sessions, I could walk more easily. After the training I didn't feel the pain so sharply. Hence, I continued the sessions. After 10-15 sessions the pain relief effect started to work permanently, not just only after the sessions. I could sleep again 6-7 hours in a row without waking up due to the pain. I could walk further and further. During these months I also visit a psychotherapist as I was previously diagnosed with clinical depression. Because of the accident, I developed Agoraphobia, I was afraid to go out alone to the street. Slowly, I started to depend on my family which made me angry and frustrated as I was an independent person before. Not to talk about the fact that I lost connection with the outer world lying in bed for so long. It was a vicious circle. So, I thought I need professional help not only for my body but for my mind, too. I was taught various methods to overcome my problems. After only 3 months of hard work I was almost fully recovered. I was ready to return to Brighton. I didn't want to stop with the sessions, so I was looking for a gym with EMA facility, but for my biggest surprise there wasn't any. So, I thought, I will set up my own business to help others. After, I set up AmpliFitness, an inner flame was lit. I continued to educate myself. First, I qualified as a Personal Trainer and also an EMA Trainer, then I was learning about progressive habit changes, body sculpting and mindset techniques becoming a Body Transformation Coach. I was connecting body and mind together as I previously experienced the benefits on myself, but I found that it didn't work with everyone, something was still missing. So, I was looking for techniques to dig deeper. I was taught through meditative techniques how to reprogram our subconscious mind, change beliefs, manifest the desired future and heal physical and emotional injuries through meditation. And I am still learning and looking for new techniques to help the best way I possibly can. I do believe that we need to acknowledge the importance of the Body, the Mind and the Soul connection. If we learn how to balance these out, we can live in Harmony with Ourselves. We can be at peace with Ourselves and the rest of the world. You don’t have to have an accident like me to get the benefits of feeling healthy, happy and vibrant.